Darkling Eclectica Playlists


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Sunday, March 27, 2016


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1669: Doo-Wop

Slightly shortened:

Due to some sudden post-season Anteater Basketball, but still more Doo-Wop music than is probably safe for human consumption.


Darkling Eclectica, the         Episode 1669: Doo-Wop       Sun., March 27, 2016      4PM to 5:45PM

Artist                       Title                         Album                       Genre   New?
Jesse Belvin                 Goodnight, My Love            Oldies but Goodies, vol.2   A-Play
Big Sandy                    Have Love, Will Travel        Dedicated to You            Country
The Flamingos                I Only Have Eyes for You      The Heart of Rock n Roll    A-Play
The Crows                    Gee                           Oldies but Goodies, vol.2   A-Play
The El Dorados               At My Front Door              Doo Wop Box, vol.1          A-Play
Tony Allen                   Night Owl                     Oldies but Goodies, vol.2   A-Play
The Turbans                  When You Dance                Doo Wop Box, vol.1          A-Play
The Cadets                   Stranded in the Jungle        Oldies but Goodies, vol.1   A-Play
The Chords                   Sh-Boom                       Doo Wop Box, vol.1          A-Play
The Goon Show                The Dreaded Batter Pudding
                               Hurler (10/12/54)           Goon Show Classics          Spoken
The Gladiolas                Little Darlin'                Doo Wop Box, vol.2          A-Play
The Diamonds                 Little Darlin'                Prom Night                  A-Play
The Five Satins              In the Still of the Night     Oldies but Goodies, vol.1   A-Play
The Dell Vikings             Come Go With Me               Doo Wop Box, vol.2          A-Play
Frankie Ford                 Sea Cruise                    Oldies but Goodies, vol.3   A-Play
The Dells                    Oh What a Night               Doo Wop Box, vol.2          A-Play
Don Julian & the 
  Meadowlarks                Heaven and Paradise           Oldies but Goodies, vol.1   A-Play
Bobby Day                    Rockin' Robin                 Oldies but Goodies, vol.5   A-Play
Norman Fox & the Rob-Roys    Tell Me Why                   Doo Wop Box, vol.2          A-Play
The Skyliners                Since I Don't Have You        Doo Wop Box, vol.3          A-Play
Rosie & the Originals        Angel Baby                    Oldies but Goodies, vol.5   A-Play
The Elegants                 Little Star                   Doo Wop Box, vol.3          A-Play
Jackie Wilson                Lonely Teardrops              Reet Petite                 A-Play
The Silhouettes              Get a Job                     Doo Wop Box, vol.3          A-Play
Maurice Williams & the
  Zodiacs                    Stay                          Oldies but Goodies, vol.5   A-Play
Santo & Johnny               Sleep Walk                    The Heart of Rock           A-Play
Jimmy Forrest                Night Train                   Dusty & Sweets McGee        Soundtrack

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1668: Vernal Equinox

As I say:

Every year about this time, "Spring in the air, and fall in the lake." It's a motto we try to live by here at "Hey, Your Nose is on Fire" Industries. And next week? Doo-Wop Sunday!


Darkling Eclectica, the      Episode 1668: Vernal Equinox      Sun., March 20, 2016      4PM to 6PM

Artist                         Title                         Album                     Genre   New?
Charlie Haden Quartet West     The Long Goodbye              Haunted Heart             Jazz
Sean Hoffman & Nolan Ladewski  Stitch the Cat/The Slacker    Oasis World v.7, no.3     World
Cindy Cashdollar & Carolyn
  Wonderland                   Turtle Bayou Turnaround       Texas Unplugged, vo.2     Country
My Little Pony                 Winter Wrap-Up                Magical Friendship Tour   Soundtrack
The Five Corners Quintet       Three Corners                 Chasin' the Jazz Gone By  Jazz
The Acousticats                Joanne                        Down at Evangelina's      Folk
The Goon Show                  Six Charlies in Search of
                                 an Author (12/26/56)        Goon Show Classics        Spoken
Eddie Daniels                  Equinox                       Nepenthe                  Jazz
Maria Kalaniemi & Aldargaz     Arctic Paradise               Ahma                      World
Kenny Klimak                   Crescent Sun                  Rebecca's Dream           Folk
Benny Carter & his Orchetra    The Midnight Sun Will Never
                                 Set                         Further Definitions       Jazz
The Jeff Coffin Mu'tet         Bloom                         Bloom                     Jazz
Carmen Lundy                   Spring Can Really Hang You
                                 Up the Most                 Self-Portrait             Jazz
Roy Shield; the Beau Hunks     On a Sunny Afternoon          The Original "Little
                                                               Rascals" Music          Soundtrack
Robert Earl Keen               Wild Wind                     Gravitational Forces      Country
George Shearing & Mel Torme    It Might as Well be Spring    An Evening With George
                                                               Shearing & Mel Torme    Jazz
David Grisman Quintet          Richochet                     David Grisman Quintet     Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Strawberry Fair               Chronological, vol.6      Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Swing it, Sister              Chronological, vol.2      Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Sweeter Than Sugar            Chronological, vol.3      Jazz
The Mills Brothers             I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                 & Go Home                   Souvenir Album            Jazz

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1667


Cooperated slightly more this week than last week. I think maybe the time change threw it a little...


Darkling Eclectica, the          Episode 1667            Sun., March 13, 2016            4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                        Album                       Genre   New?
The Acousticats               Adios Again                  Down at Evangelina's        Folk
Claude Bolling Trio w/
  Jean-Pierre Rampal          Jazzy                        Suite No.2 for Flute &
                                                             Jazz Piano                Jazz
Frigg                         Tepeq                        Oasis                       World
The Maddox Bros. & Rose       Water Baby Boogie            Volume 1                    Country
The Brass Connection          Giant Steps                  The Brass Connection        Jazz
Robert Earl Keen              Dreadful Selfish Crime       Gringo Honeymoon            Country
The Goon Show                 The Mysterious Punch-up-the-
                                Conker (02/07/57)          Goon Show Classics          Spoken
The Geof Bradfield Quintet    Dark was the Night, Cold
                                was the Ground             Our Roots                   Jazz
Bobby Hicks                   Whiskey Before Breakfast     Fiddle Patch                Country
Shana Tucker                  Shine                        Shine                       Jazz
Joe & Antoinette McKenna      Fermoy Lasses/Touch Me if 
                                You Dare/Farewell to Fine
                                Weather                    Farewell to Fine Weather    World
Django Reinhardt Quintet      Troublant Bolero             Brussels & Paris            Jazz
Lori Lieberman                Photograph                   Ready for the Storm         Folk     XX
Ken Peplowski Quintet         Smada                        Illuminations               Jazz
Joe Miller                    Dizzy Fingers                Semi-Traditional Guitar
                                                             Solos                     Country
Crooked Fiddle Band           44 Gallon Drom               Crooked Fiddle Band         World
David Grisman Quintet         Neon Tetra                   Hot Dawg                    Jazz
The Mills Brothers            Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet  Chronological, vol.3        Jazz
The Mills Brothers            The Song is Ended            Chronological, vol.5        Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                  Souvenir                    Jazz

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1666

I've learned my lesson:

From now on, I'll only play CD copies of "Goon Show" episodes, I reckon...


Darkling Eclectica, the           Episode 1666           Sun., March 6, 2016             4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                          Album                     Genre   New?
John Hartford                 Bye-Bye                        Morning Bugle             Country
Poi Dog Pondering             Circle Around the Sun          Poi Dog Pondering         A-Play
New Grass Revival             Four Days of Rain              When the Storm is Over    Country
Pacquito D'Rivera & Michel
  Camilo                      Why Not                        A Taste of Pacquito       Jazz
Open House                    The Mascot/Collins' Jig        Second Story              Folk
Adam Unsworth Sextet          Waltz With a View              Excerpt This!             Jazz
The Goon Show                 The Dreaded Batter Pudding
                                Hurler (10/12/54)            Goon Show Classics        Spoken
Henri Tomasi; Paul Merkelo
  Kent Nagano, Orch. Symph.
  de Montreal                Concerto for Trumpet & Orch.    French Trumpet Concertos  Classical
Dawn & Hawkes                Life is a Good Song             Yours and Mine            Country   XX
Inti-Illimani                El Mercado de Testaccio         Imagination               Jazz
The Love Dogs                That's the Stuff You Gotta
                               Watch                         Heavy Petting             Lounge
Pendragon                    Dunmore Lasses/Simple Joys/
                               Green Groves of Erin          Passage to New England    Folk
Carrie Wicks Quartet         Small Day Tomorrow              Maybe                     Jazz
Christine Lavin              Shopping Cart of Love           Attainable Love           Folk
Buck Clayton Quintet         Premier Bal                     Tenderly                  Jazz
The Olllam                   The Tryst After Death           The Olllam                Jazz
The Lucky Sisters            Let the Mystery Be              So Lucky                  Folk      XX
David Grisman Quintet        E.M.D.                          David Grisman Quintet     Jazz
The Mills Brothers           And the Angels Sing             Chronological, vol.6      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           Goodbye Blues                   Chronological, vol.1      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                               & Go Home                     Souvenir Album            Jazz

June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024   January 2025   February 2025  

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