Darkling Eclectica Playlists


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Sunday, October 28, 2012


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1491

Our annual Hallowe'en Episode:

And please be advised that, while Episode 1492 of the program will occur next week, I won't be hosting it. Instead, DJ Wanda of KUCI's Howdylicious program will be sharing some of her extensive collection of "lounge music." I wish I could be listening, actually, but alas, I'll be in Anaheim at the pre-release screening of this "My Little Pony" documentary I did a little work on. I mean, they gave me a ticket: how could I not go?


Darkling Eclectica, the        Episode 1491: Hallowe'en        Sun., Oct. 28, 2012       4PM to 6PM

Artist                       Title                           Album                       Genre
Weather Report               Mr. Gone                        Mr. Gone                    Jazz
Mr. Fox                      Aunt Lucy Broadwood             The Gipsy                   World
Eduard Grieg; A. Fiedler,
  Boston Pops                In the Hall of the Mountain
                               King from Peer Gynt           Favorite Showpieces         Classical
Tom Waits                    November                        The Black Rider             A-Play
June Tabor                   The Scarecrow                   Abyssinians                 Folk
Stan Rogers                  Witch of the Westmorland        Between the Breaks          Folk
Heitor Villa-Lobos           Choros No.4                     Choroi                      Classical
Roger Zelazny; M Payne       A Night in the Lonesome 
                               October, Part 7               read live                   Spoken
Brave Combo                  Flying Saucer                   Polkas for a Gloomy World   World
The Asylum Street Spankers   U.F.O. Attack                   Hot Lunch                   Country
Woody Herman's Third Herd    Men from Mars                   Early Autumn                Jazz
Lord Buckley                 The Raven                       A Most Immaculately Hip
                                                               Aristocrat                A-Play
Mora's Modern Rhythmists     Mr. Ghost Goes to Town          Mr. Rhythmist Goes to Town  Jazz
Peter Lang                   Halloween Blues                 Back to the Wall            Folk
Bela Fleck and the
  Flecktones                 Flight of the Cosmic Hippo      Flight of the Cosmic Hippo  Jazz
Bob Brozman                  Mysterious Mose                 Hello, Central, Give Me 
                                                               Dr. Jazz                  Jazz
Turtle Island String 
  Quartet                    Spider Dreams                   Spider Dreams               Jazz
David Grisman Quintet        Caliente                        Mondo Mando                 Jazz
Artie Shaw & his Orchestra   Nightmare                       Beat of the Big Bands       Jazz

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1490


Ten more weeks till episode 1500! We'll hafta, oh, I dunno, unofficially begin the Renaissance or something to celebrate!


Darkling Eclectica, the          Episode 1490           Sun., Oct. 21, 2012              4PM to 6PM

Artist                         Title                          Album                      Genre New?
Andy Narell                    One Last Goodbye               Down the Road              Jazz
29th St. Saxophone Quartet
  w/Pamela Watson & Victor
  Lewis                        After the Rain                 Underground                Jazz
New Grass Revival              Four Days of Rain              When the Storm is Over     Country
Maria Kalaniemi & Sven 
  Ahlback                      Horsepolska                    Airbow                     World
Jerry Douglas                  Intro                          Tennessee Fluxedo          Country
The A, B, C & D of Boogie 
  Woogie                       Bonsoir Boogie!                Live in Paris              Jazz    XX
Heitor Villa-Lobos             Choros No.4                    Choroi                     Classical
Roger Zelazny; M Payne         A Night in the Lonesome 
                                 October, Part 6              read live                  Spoken
Orbestra                       Skopje                         Transdanubian Swineherds'
                                                                Music                    World
Five Corners Quintet           The Devil Kicks                Chasin' the Jazz Gone By   Jazz
Open House                     Moth in the Lantern/Take No
                                 Prisoners                    Second Story               Folk
Mel Torme w/the Hal Mooney
  Orchestra                    Gone With the Wind             Gone With the Wind         Jazz
Sean Mencher                   Ochi Chornye                   Sean Mencher               Country
Jimmie Dale Gilmore            Mack the Knife                 One Endless Night          Country
Devil in a Woodpile            Boogie Woogie Dance            Devil in a Woodpile        Country
Hot Club Sandwich              Yogiri No Shinobiai            Green Room                 Jazz
Glen Duncan                    Mountain Hornpipe              Glen Duncan                Country
David Grisman Quintet          Barkley's Bug                  Quintet '80                Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Miss Otis Regrets              Chronological, vol.3       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Swing for Sale                 Chronological, vol.4       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                 & Go Home                    Souvenir Album             Jazz

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1489

The middle of October:

And still warm, lovely weather here in southern California. So how 'bout we just do a radio program? I mean, as long as we're feeling all lazy and such...


Darkling Eclectica, the          Episode 1489            Sun., Oct. 14, 2012             4PM to 6PM

Artist                         Title                        Album                      Genre   New?
John Hartford                  Bye-bye                      Morning Bugle              Country
Marvin "Smitty" Smith Septet   A Song of Joy                Keeper of the Drums        Jazz
The Time Jumpers               Texoma Bound                 The Time Jumpers           Country   XX
Boys of the Lough              Maho Snaps/Charlie Hunter/
                                 Mouse in the Cupboard/The
                                 Rosewood                   Sweet Rural Shade          World
Teddy Edwards Septet           Safari Walk                  Mississippi Lad            Jazz
Kenny Klimak                   Border Town                  Rebecca's Dream            Folk
Heitor Villa-Lobos             Choros No.4                  Choroi                     Classical
Roger Zelazny; M Payne         A Night in the Lonesome 
                                 October, Part 5            read live                  Spoken
Mora's Modern Rhythmists       Night Wind                   My Favorite Band!          Jazz
Bobby Hicks                    Prosperity Waltz             Fiddle Patch               Country
Ron McCroby & Sam Most         Line for Lyons               Ron McCroby Plays Puccolo  Jazz
David Mallett                  Ambition                     Ambition                   Folk
Rotondi                        Brand New Mind               Preaching & Confessing     A-Play
Robert Earl Keen               Farm Fresh Onions            Farm Fresh Onions          Folk
Stan Kenton & his Orchestra    La Suerte de los Tontos      The Comprehensive Kenton   Jazz
Foghorn Stringband             Mississippi Sawyer           Weiser Sunrise             Country
Vasen                          Ekorrn (Squirrel)            Gront                      World
David Grisman Quintet          Dawg Funk                    Mondo Mando                Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Ain't Misbehavin'            Chronological, vol.6       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Tiger Rag                    Chronological, vol.1       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                 & Go Home                  Souvenir Album             Jazz

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1488

October at last!

It's the first Fall episode of the Darkling Eclectica, and my voice is more or less back to functionality! So part 4 of Roger's Zelazny's A Night in the Lonesome October finally happened. And we had our annual Columbus Day Pageant afterwards as well. So much going on!


Darkling Eclectica, the            Episode 1488           Sun., Oct. 7, 2012             4PM to 6PM

Artist                       Title                          Album                      Genre   New?
Lee Presson & the Nails      Goodbye, Goodbye               Playing Dirty              Lounge
Niamh Parsons & the Loose
  Connections                Man of Arran                   Loosely Connected          World
The Asylum Street Spankers   Hot Lunch                      Hot Lunch                  Country
Huaycaltia                   Caminos y Puentes              Caminos                    Folk
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones  Saresta                        UFO Tofu                   Jazz
Northern Lights              Lighthouse                     Can't Buy Your Way         Country
Heitor Villa-Lobos           Choros No.4                    Choroi                     Classical
Roger Zelazny; M Payne       A Night in the Lonesome
                               October, Part 4              read live                  Spoken
Fats Waller                  Christopher Columbus           Il Grandi del Jazz         Jazz
Kamikaze Ground Crew         Christopher Columbus           Postcards from the 
                                                              Highwire                 Jazz
Stan Freberg                 Columbus Discovers America     United States of America,
                                                              vol.1                    Spoken
Peter Case                   Blue Distance                  Flying Saucer Blues        Folk
Harmonious Wail              Tishomingo Blues               Resist Temptation          Jazz
Stan Martin                  Bluebird                       Distilled Influences       Country   XX
Dick Johnson & Dave McKenna  Shawnuff                       Spider's Blues             Jazz
Turtle Island String 
  Quartet                    Who Do You Think You Are?      Who Do We Think We Are?    Jazz
Jonathan Richman             She Doesn't Laugh at My Jokes  Having a Party             A-Play
David Grisman Quintet        E.M.D.                         David Grisman Quintet      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           Fiddlin' Joe                   Chronological, vol.2       Jazz
The Mills Brothers           I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                               & Go Home                    Souvenir Album             Jazz

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