Darkling Eclectica Playlists


June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024   January 2025   February 2025  

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1349

Darkling Eclectica, the         Episode 1349                Sun., Jan. 31, 2010       4PM to 6PM

Artist                     Title                        Album                        Genre     New?
Jesse Belvin               Goodnight, My Love           Oldies but Goodies, vol.2    A-Play
Hem                        The Burnt-Over District      Funnel Cloud                 Country
Crooked Fiddle Band        44 Gallon Drom               Crooked Fiddle Band          World
Marvin "Smitty" Smith 
  Septet                   A Simple Samba Song          Keeper of the Drums          Jazz
Big Sandy & his Fly-Rite
  Boys                     South Bay Stomp              Night Tide                   Country
Liquid Clarinets           Tarantella Montemaranese     Liquid Clarinets             World       XX
Morningside Productions    Neil the Horse & the Big
                             Banana, Part 3             Neil the Horse & the Big
                                                          Banana                     Spoken
Electric Rag Band          Complicated Dance            If You Got Some              Country     XX
Octobop                    Minor Yours                  Night Lights                 Jazz
Maria Kalaniemi & 
  Aldargaz                 Melos                        Ahma                         World
Scott Joplin; Jean-Pierre
  Rampal                   Great Crush Collision March  Rampal Plays Joplin          Jazz
Christian McBride Sextet   Gettin' to it                Gettin' to it                Jazz
Chris Coole                Lost River                   Fishing Music II             Country
Hot Club de Norvege        Gandhi's Revenge             Gypsy Swing                  Jazz
The House Band             Tom Hark/African Market 
                             Place                      Another Setting              Folk
The Love Dogs              Learned to Live Without You  I'm Yo Dog                   Lounge
David Grisman & Stephane
  Grappelli                Steppin' With Stephane       Dawg Jazz/Dawg Grass         Jazz
The Mills Brothers         Old Fashioned Love           Chronological, vol.3         Jazz
The Mills Brothers         Miss Otis Regrets            Sweeter Than Sugar           Jazz
The Mills Brothers         Caravan                      Chronological, vol.5         Jazz
The Mills Brothers         I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                             & Go Home                  Souvenir Album               Jazz

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1348

Darkling Eclectica, the           Episode 1348               Sun., Jan 24, 2010        4PM to 6PM

Artist                         Title                        Album                      Genre   New?
Peter Ostroushko               Puckett's Farewell           Sacred Heart               Folk
Nancy King & Glen Moore        Poinciana                    Impending Bloom            Jazz
New Grass Revival              Four Days of Rain            When the Storm is Over     Country
Hot Club of Detroit            Nuages                       Hot Club of Detroit        Jazz
The Goat Family                Belly of the Whale Reel      All We Need                Country
Bela Fleck, Zakir Hussain,
  Edger Meyer                  Babar                        Melody of Rhythm           World
Morningside Productions        Neil the Horse & the Big
                                 Banana, Part 2             Neil the Horse & the
                                                               Big Banana              Spoken
Sonny Criss Septet             Intermission Riff            Intermission Riff          Jazz
Arm & Hammer String Band       Salamanca Reel/The Hunter's  
                                 Purse/Tarbolten            New England Contra Dance
                                                              Music                    Folk
Claude Debussy; L.A.4          Syrinx                       Montage                    Jazz
Kenny Klimak                   After Whispering             Rebecca's Dream            Folk
Turtle Island String Quartet   Jeannine                     Metropolis                 Jazz
Robin Wiliamson & his Merry
  Band                         Voices of the Barbary Coast  Journey's Edge             Folk
Five Corners Quintet           Unsquare Bossa               Chasin' the Jazz Gone By   Jazz
Robert Earl Keen               So I Can Take My Rest        A Bigger Piece of Sky      Country
Manuel de Falla; Falla Trio    La Vida Breve                Virtuoso Music for Three
                                                              Guitars                  Classical
David Grisman Quintet          Cedar Hill                   Mondo Mando                Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Nobody's Sweetheart          Chronological, vol.1       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             There Goes My Headache       Early Mills Brothers       Jazz
The Mills Brothers             I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                 & Go Home                  Paper Doll                 Jazz

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1347

Darkling Eclectica, the              Episode 1347           Sun., Jan. 17, 2010       4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                        Album                       Genre   New?
Lee Presson & the Nails       Goodbye, Goodbye             MySpace Music               Lounge
Sam Bush                      Samanda Lynn                 Late as Usual               Folk
Ken Nordine                   Looks Like It's Going to 
                                Rain                       Word Jazz, vol. 1           Jazz
Hank Crawford Septet          Angel Eyes                   The Art of Hank Crawford    Jazz
Alan Kelly                    Dancing Eyes/Munster 
                                Buttermilk/Cul Aodh Jig    Out of the Blue             Folk
Cache Valley Drifters         Green Eyes                   White Room                  Country
Morningside Productions       Neil the Horse & the Big 
                                Banana, Part 1             Neil the Horse & the Big
                                                             Banana                    Spoken
Shelley King                  It's Starting to Rain        Welcome Home                Country   XX
Devil in a Woodpile           Walkin' in the Rain          Division Street             Country
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones   After the Storm              UFO Tofu                    Jazz
Raymond Scott Quintette       The Penguin                  Reckless Nights & Turkish
                                                             Twilights                 Soundtracks
Tom Eaton; M Payne            Splices, the Square Knot     Prof. Otis G. Firefly's 
                                                             Phantasmagoric Almanac
                                                             & Calendar                Spoken
Tony Rice                     High Noon                    Unit of Measure             Country
Clark Terry & Red Mitchell    Moten Swing                  To Duke & Basie             Jazz
Our Boys Steel Orchestra      Sarah                        Pan Progress                World
Inti-Illimani                 Danza de Calaluna            Imaginacion                 Jazz
Danilo Perez                  'Round Midnight              Panamonk                    Jazz
Adam Unsworth Sextet          Waltz with a View            Excerpt This!               Jazz
David Grisman Quintet         Swamp Dawg                   Dawg Jazz/Dawg Grass        Jazz
The Mills Brothers            South of the Border          Chronological, vol. 6       Jazz
The Mills Brothers            Side Kick Joe                Chronological, vol. 5       Jazz
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double
  Trouble                     Stang's Swang                Couldn't Stand the Weather  Blues
The Mills Brothers & Ella
  Fitzgerald                  Big Boy Blue                 Chronological, vol. 4       Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                  Souvenir Album              Jazz

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1346

Darkling Eclectica, the             Episode 1346           Sun, Jan 10, 2010           4PM to 6PM

Artist                         Title                        Album                       Genre  New?
Charlie Haden Quartet West     The Long Goodbye             Haunted Heart               Jazz
The BOBS                       Trash                        The BOBS                    A-Play
Brendan Power                  Drunken Landlady/Wind That
                                 Shakes the Barley/John
                                 Stenson's No.2             The New Irish Harmonica     World
John Prine                     It's a Big Old Goofy World   The Missing Years           Country
Louis Jordan & his Tympany
  Five with Louis Armstrong    Life is So Peculiar          Anthology 1938-1959         Blues
Robert Earl Keen               Farm Fresh Onions            Farm Fresh Onions           Folk
Heitor Villa-Lobos             Choros no.4                  Choroi                      Classical
James Howe; M Payne            The Celery Stalks at 
                                 Midnight, Part 3           read live                   Spoken
John McCutcheon                Barefoot Boy with Boots on   Barefoot Boy with Boots on  Folk
29th Street Saxophone Quartet  Conservation                 Underground                 Jazz
The Klezmorim                  Moldovanke                   Jazz Babies of the Ukraine  Jazz
Deanta                         Larmor Plage/The Landsdowne 
                                 Lass/Darby's Farewell to
                                 London                     Ready for the Storm         Folk
Phil Ranelin & Tribe 
  Renaissance                  Shades of Dolphy (Prelude)   Reminiscence                Jazz
Tony Rice                      Changes                      Native American             Folk
Fletcher Henderson & his
  Orchestra                    Happy as the Day is Long     Tidal Wave                  Jazz
The Roches                     Losing True                  Keep on Doing               A-Play
Huayucaltia                    Amazonas                     Amazonas                    World
David Grisman Quintet          Bow Wow                      Quintet '80                 Jazz
The Mills Brothers             Funiculi Funicula            Chronological, vol.5        Jazz
The Mills Brothers             I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                 & Go Home                  Souvenir Album              Jazz

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1345

Darkling Eclectica, the           Episode 1345            Sun, Jan. 3, 2010          4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                        Album                        Genre  New?
John McCutcheon               Hangman's Reel/Campbell's
                                Farewell to Red Gap        Wind That Shakes the Barley  Folk
Kim Lenz & her Jaguars        Twinkle, Twinkle             Kim Lenz & her Jaguars       Country
Horace Tapscott               Many Nights Ago              Tapscott Sessions, vol.2     Jazz
James Cohen                   Santa Anna                   High Side of Lowdown         World
Peter Case                    Something Happens            Flying Saucer Blues          Folk
Lionel Hampton & his Orch.    Pink Champagne               Hamp                         Jazz
Heitor Villa-Lobos            Choros No.4                  Choroi                       Classical
James Howe; M Payne           The Celery Stalks at 
                                Midnight, Part 2           read live                    Spoken
Don Byron Quintette           The Penguin                  Bug Music                    Jazz
Tom Eaton; M Payne            Boarus, the Warthog          Otis G. Firefly's 
                                                             Phantasmagoric Almanac
                                                             & Calendar                 Spoken
Georg Phillip Telemann;
  Jean-Pierre Rampal          Fantasy for Flute No.12 in 
                                G minor                    12 Fantasies for Flute       Classical
Jerry Douglas, Glen Duncan,
  Ronnie McCoury, Tony Rice
  & the Nitty Gritty Dirt 
  Band                        Return to Dismal Swamp II    Will the Circle be Unbroken,
                                                             vol.3                      Country
L.A.4                         Zaca                         Zaca                         Jazz
Brooks Williams               Seasons of the Year          Inland Sailor                Folk
Liquid Clarinets              Liquid Clarinet              Liquid Clarinets             World   XX
Nancy King & Glen Moore       On Green Dolphin Street      Cliff Dance                  Jazz
David Grisman Quintet         Mugavero                     Quintet '80                  Jazz
The Mills Brothers            Moonlight Bay                Famous Barbershop Ballads,
                                                             vol.2                      Jazz
The Mills Brothers            Anytime, Andyday, Anywhere   Chronological, vol.2         Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I've Found a New Baby        Sweeter Than Sugar           Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                  Souvenir Album               Jazz

June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024   January 2025   February 2025  

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