Darkling Eclectica Playlists


June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024  

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1353

Darkling Eclectica, the              Episode 1353                Sun., Feb. 28, 2010     4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                        Album                       Genre   New?
Charlie Haden Quartet West    The Long Goodbye             Haunted Heart               Jazz
Nothing Painted Blue          Block Colors                 Power Trips Down Lovers' 
                                                             Lane                      A-Play
Tim & Mollie O'Brien          Out in the Country           Remember Me                 Country
Orbestra                      Hora                         Transdanubian Swineherds    World
Lee Morgan Quintet            Lost and Found               Expoobident                 Jazz
The Dreadful Snakes           Snakes Alive                 Snakes Alive                Country
The Goon Show                 Drums along the Mersey       Goon Show Classics 
                                                             (10/11/56)                Spoken
Don Byron Quintet             The Penguin                  Bug Music                   Jazz
Tom Eaton; M Payne            Chunkus, the Jar of Peanut
                                Butter                     Otis G. Firefly's 
                                                             Phantasmagoric Almanac    Spoken
Boys of the Lough             The Antrim Rose/Miss 
                                McGuinness/Brereton's      To Welcome Paddy Home       World
Norrie Cox & his New Orleans
  Stompers                    San Jacinto Stomp            Move the Body Over          Jazz
Jerks of Grass                Stomping Ground              Come on Home                Country
Stanley Cowell                I Am Waiting                 Live at Maybeck Recital 
                                                             Hall                      Jazz
Demolition String Band        Pulling Up Atlantis          Pulling Up Atlantis         Country
Karen Mantler & Eric Mingus   Green Beans                  My Cat Arnold               Jazz
The Belleville Outfit         Somebody Like You            Wanderin'                   Country
Roy Haynes Quartet            Snap Crackle                 Out of the Afternoon        Jazz
John McCutcheon               Peekaboo Waltz/Niskayuna 
                                Ramble                     Barefoot Boy With Boots on  Folk
David Grisman Quintet         Fanny Hill                   Mondo Mando                 Jazz
The Mills Brothers            The Yam                      Chronological, vol.5        Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                  Souvenir Album              Jazz

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1352

Darkling Eclectica, the      Episode 1352: 26 Years or So        Sun., Feb. 21, 2010     4PM to 6PM

Artist                      Title                         Album                        Genre   New?
The Acousticats             Adios Again                   Down at Evagelina's          Folk
Tom "Bones" Malone Jazz
  Septet                    Little Sunflower              Standards of Living          Jazz
The BOBS                    Cowboy Lips                   The BOBS                     A-Play
Kapelye                     Der Shtiler Blugar/Shpil Es 
                              Nokh a Mol                  Levine & his Flying Machine  World
Maria Kalaniemi & Sven
  Ahlback                   Tranan (Crane)                Airbow                       World
Lenny Deluxe                Polka Chinoise                Oasis World Sampler v.IX #4  World    XX
W.C. Fields, Edgar Bergan,
  Don Ameche                Communing With Nature         The Great Radio Feuds        Spoken
W.C. Fields, Edgar Bergan,
  Don Ameche                Life Among the Bolivians      The Further Adventures of
                                                            Lason E. Whipsnade         Spoken
W.C. Fields                 Tales of Michael Finn         The Best of W.C. Fields      Spoken
The Crooked Fiddle Band     Flight from Damascus          The Crooked Fiddle Band      World
Milt Jackson                It Never Entered My Mind      Reverence and Compassion     Jazz
Red Clay Ramblers           Kildaire's Fancy/Ships are
                              Sailing/High Yellow         Merchants Lunch              Folk
James Dapogny's Chicago
  Jazz Band                 Caravan                       Laughing at Life             Jazz
Jim Mills                   Take the D Train              My Dixie Home                Country
Agustin Barrios; Baltazar
  Benitez                   Vals No.3                     Latin American Music for
                                                            the Classical Guitar       Classical
Dervish                     Miss Johnstone's Mazurka & 
                              Reel/Jim Coleman's/The 
                              Controversial               At the End of the Day        Folk
L.A. 4                      Amazonia                      Executive Suite              Jazz
Allison Moorer              Crows                         Crows                        Country  XX
David Grisman & Stephane 
  Grappelli                 Tiger Rag                     Live                         Jazz
The Mills Brothers          Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider     Chronological, vol.3         Jazz
The Mills Brothers          What's the Reason (I'm Not
                              Pleasin' You?)              Chronological, vol.6         Jazz
The Mills Brothers          Let Me Dream                  Chronological, vol.5         Jazz
The Mills Brothers          I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                              & Go Home                   Souvenir Album               Jazz

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1351

Darkling Eclectica, the    Episode 1351: Vals, Tiges, Prezes     Sun., Feb 14, 2010     4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                          Album                      Genre  New?
Jesse Belvin                  Goodnight, My Love             Oldies but Goodies, vol.2  A-Play
The Mills Brothers            Tiger Rag                      Chronological, vol.1       Jazz
Tom Waits                     Blue Valentines                Blue Valentines            A-Play
They Might Be Giants          James K. Polk                  Istanbul (Not 
                                                               Constantinople)          B-Play
Colcannon                     General Grant's Visit to 
                                Dundee                       Life of Riley's Brother    Folk
Norman Blake                  President Garfield's Hornpipe  Lighthouse on the Shore    Folk
Turtle Island String Quartet  Gettysburg                     Skylife                    Jazz
Morningside Productions       Neil the Horse & the Big 
                                Banana, Part 5               Neil the Horse & the Big
                                                               Banana                   Spoken
Heitor Villa-Lobos            Choros No.4                    Choroi
Shirley Rousseau Murphy;
   M Payne                    Valentine for a Dragon         read live                  Spoken
Bukkene Bruse                 Wedding March from Osterdalen  The Stone Chair            World
Rotondi                       She's the Lion                 Polka Changed my Life 
                                                               Today                    A-Play
Teddy Edwards Octet           You Don't Know What Love is    Back to Avalon             Jazz
Frank Trumbauer & his Orch.   Krazy Kat                      Bix and Tram 1927          Jazz
Robert Earl Keen & Margo 
  Timmins                     Then Came Lo Mein              Picnic                     Country
Doc Watson & John Herald      Sing Song Kitty                Live at Gerdes Folk City   Country
David Grisman & Andy Statman  Two White Boys Watching James 
                                Brown at the Apollo          Mandolin Abstractions      Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                    Paper Doll                 Jazz

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1350

Darkling Eclectica, the           Episode 1350            Sun., Feb 7, 2010           4PM to 6PM

Artist                      Title                         Album                      Genre     New?
The Acousticats             Adios Again                   Down at Evangelina's       Folk
Cecil Payne                 Southside Samba               Payne's Window             Jazz
Boiled in Lead              Fisher's Hornpipe             Old Lead                   World
Houston Jones               Ornithopathy                  Jericho Road               Country    XX
Ron Eschete & Mort Weiss    The Shadow of Your Smile/
                              Here's That Rainy Day       No Place to Hide           Jazz
The Seldom Scene            Walking the Blues             Act Four                   Country
Morningside Productions     Neil the Horse & the Big
                              Banana, Part 4              Neil the Horse & the Big
                                                            Banana                   Spoken
Bix Beiderbecke, Frankie
  Trumbauer, Eddie Lang     Wringin' & Twistin'           Bix and Tram 1929          Jazz
Andy Narell's Steel Orch.   Dee Mwa Wee                   The Passage                World
Django Reinhardt & his
  Quintet                   Chez Moi                      Brussels & Paris           Jazz
Bennett Hammond             Roaring Forties               Walking on Air             Folk
Uptown String Quartet       Along Came Betty              Just Wait a Minute         Jazz
Jane Baxter-Miller & the
  Pine Valley Cosmonauts    Time Changes Everything       The Majesty of Bob Wills   Country
Vagabond Opera              Slow Beranche                 Vagabond Opera             Jazz
Evan Lurie                  Rintrah Roars                 Selling Water by the Side
                                                            of the River             Jazz
Kevin O'Donnell's Quality
  Six                       Caravan                       Control Freak              Jazz
David Grisman Quintet       Mondo Mando                   Mondo Mando                Jazz
The Mills Brothers          Swing is the Thing            Chronological, vol.4       Jazz
The Mills Brothers          I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                              & Go Home                   Souvenir Album             Jazz

June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024  

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