Darkling Eclectica Playlists


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Sunday, October 29, 2017


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1752: Hallowe'en, Part 3

Three weeks of Hallowe'en:

Oughtta be enough for anyone. As long as I can read Bunnicula aloud at some point, I'm happy...


Darkling Eclectica, the     Episode 1752: Hallowe'en, Part 3     Sun., Oct. 29, 2017    4PM to 6PM

Artist                      Title                         Album                        Genre   New?
Benny Goodman & his Orch.   Goodbye                       This is Benny Goodman        Jazz
Tom Waits                   November                      The Black Rider              A-Play
Eduard Grieg; A.Fiedler,
  Boston Pops               In the Hall of the Mountain
                              King                        World's Favorite Showpieces  Classical
Asylum Street Spankers      U.F.O. Attack                 Hot Lunch                    Country
June Tabor                  The Scarecrow                 Abyssinians                  Folk
Carl Stalling Project       Anxiety Montage               Carl Stalling Project        Soundtrack
Heitor Villa-Lobos          Choros No.4                   Choroi                       Classical
Deborah & James Howe;
  M Payne                   Bunnicula, Part 2             read live                    Spoken
Mr. Fox                     Aunt Lucy Broadwood           The Gipsy                    Folk
Squirrel Nut Zippers        Hell                          Hot                          B-Play
Malcolm Dalgish, Grey
  Larsen, Pete Sutherland   Monster                       Great Acoustics              Folk
Lord Buckley                "The Raven"                   A Most Immaculately Hip
                                                            Aristocrat                 A-Play

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1751: Hallowe'en, Part 2

Part Two, kinda:

Of our Hallowe'en show this year. Next week, though, that'll be the thing for certain.


Darkling Eclectica, the         Episode 1751             Sun. Oct. 22, 2017              4PM to 6PM

Artist                       Title                         Album                      Genre    New?
Andy Narell                  One Last Goodbye              Down the Road              Jazz
McCoy Tyner                  Rio                           Revelations                Jazz
Peter Ostroushko             Three Crows                   Sacred Heart               Folk
Inti-Illimani                Recuerdos de Kalahuayo        Best of Inti-Illimani      World
Michael Gamble & the
  Rhythm Serenaders          Don't Be That Way             Get Rhythm in Your Feet    Jazz       XX
Alan Kelly                   The Rakes of Westmeath/
                               Gusty's Frolics             Out of the Blue            Folk
Heitor Villa-Lobos           Choros No.4                   Choroi                     Classical
Deborah & James Howe         Bunnicula, Part 1             read live                  Spoken
Roger Davidson               Mountain King Tango           Mango Tango                World
Marius Preda                 Mission Cimbalom              Mission Cimbalom           Jazz       XX
Red Clay Ramblers            Merchants Lunch               Merchants Lunch            Folk
Ernesto Cervini's Turboprop  Ranthem                       Rev                        Jazz       XX
Bela Fleck & the New Grass
  Revival                    Nuns for Nixon                Deviation                  Folk
John Dokes                   Agua de Beber                 Forever Reasons            Jazz       XX
Hoven Droven                 The Dark Part of the Year     More Happy Moments...      World
Bix Beiderbecke, Frankie
  Trumbauer & Eddie Lang     Wringin' & Twistin'           Bix and Tram               Jazz
Open House                   Devlin's Jig/Trip to Bantry/
                               Hawthorne Hedge             Second Story               Folk
David Grisman Quintet        Pneumonia                     David Grisman Quintet      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           Miss Otis Regrets             Chronological, vol.3       Jazz
The Mills Brothers           Solitude                      Chronological, vol.4       Jazz
The Mills Brothers           I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                               & Go Home                   Souvenir Album             Jazz

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1750: A Huge Mouldy Hallowe'en

This week:

The Huge Mouldy Heads were in town. Their house up north was a little close to some of the fires, y'see...

Unfortunately, the show got a little exciting with needles falling out of turntable cartridges and all, so I didn't have a chance to keep a playlist. I have definite recollections of hearing Peter Lorre in a radio adaptation of Poe's "The Black Cat," then we heard two different reciters more or less simultaneously telling us about "The Tell-tale Heart." We had Boris Karloff reading us the end of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and Thurl Ravenscroft singing the song from the Disney cartoon version of the story. The music of Andrzej Panufnik and Tom Hoffmann played pretty much continuously in the background, and I managed to slip in Willie Bobo's "Fried Neckbones" at least once. A sprinkling of Vincent Price and the usual random assortment of audio clips provided texture, and we all lived happily ever after. Thanks again to the Huge Mouldy Heads for stopping by!


Sunday, October 8, 2017


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1749

Beginning our big:

Run-up to Hallowe'en this week. And next week? The return of the Huge Mouldy Heads! It should be Spooktacular!


Darkling Eclectica, the            Episode 1749             Sun., Oct. 8, 2017           4PM to 6PM

Artist                        Title                        Album                       Genre   New?
John McCutcheon               Hangman's Reel/Campbell's 
                                Farewell to Red Gap        Wind That Shakes the 
                                                             Barley                    Folk
Buddy Tate Quintet            On Green Dolphin Street      The Great Buddy Tate        Jazz
Marc Johnson                  Summer Running               The Sound of Summer 
                                                             Running                   Jazz
Tut Taylor                    Tennessee Dulcimer Works     The Old Post Office         Folk
Anat Cohen Tentet             Keedougou Foly               Happy Song                  Jazz      XX
John Prine                    It's a Big Old Goofy World   The Missing Years           Country
Francis Poulenc; M.Durufle,
  G.Pretre, Orch. Nat. RTF    Concerto in G minor for
                                Organ, Strings & Timpani   Gloria                      Classical
Skybound Blue                 Habit                        Makin' Ready                Country   XX
Five Corners Quintet          Unsquare Bossa               Chasin' the Jazz Gone By    Jazz
Jolie Holland & Samantha 
  Parton                      Gooseberry Rag               Wildflower Blues            Country   XX
Klezmer Juice                 Librescu Tango               Oasis World Sampler v.8 #6  World
Willie Jones III Quintet      Manhattan Melodies           My Point Is...              Jazz      XX
Bill Staines                  Traveling Shoes              Tracks and Trails           Country
Michael Gamble & the Rhythm
  Serenaders                  Got a Pebble in My Shoe      Get Rhythm in Your Feet     Jazz      XX
The BOBS                      My Shoes                     My, I'm Large               A-Play
Sam Bush                      Sailin' Shoes                Late as Usual               Folk
Hot Club de Norvege           Gandhi's Revenge             Gypsy Swing                 Jazz
Cherish the Ladies            The Cat Rambles to the 
                                Child's Saucepan/Maire
                                Bradshaw's                 Out and About               World
Nothing Painted Blue          Block Colors                 Power Trips Down Lovers'
                                                             Lane                      A-Play
David Grisman Quintet         Minor Swing                  Hot Dawg                    Jazz
The Mills Brothers            Tiger Rag                    Chronological, vol.1        Jazz
The Mills Brothers            I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                                & Go Home                  Souvenir Album              Jazz

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Darkling Eclectica, Episode 1748


That's all, I guess. 'Cause, I mean, October! And the end of Summer here at KUCI: the Fall season of the Darkling Eclectica starts next Sunday.


Darkling Eclectica, the             Episode 1748             Sun., Oct. 1, 2017          4PM to 6PM

Artist                       Title                         Album                     Genre     New?
Andy Narell                  One Last Goodbye              Down the Road             Jazz
Hot Club of Cowtown          When the Bloom is on the
                               Sage                        Dev'lish Mary             Country
Bela Fleck                   October Wind                  Natural Bridge            Folk
Cal Tjader Octet             Perfidia Cha Cha              Los Ritmos Calientes      Jazz
The Bobs                     Alabama Song                  Rhapsody in Bob           A-Play
Antonin Dvorak;I.Kertesz,
  London Symph. Orch.        Symphony No.8 in G, Op.88     Symphony No.8             Classical
Jen Siukola Quintet          Bog Walking                   Lighthouse Reverie        Jazz        XX
Inti-Illimani                Sikuriadas                    Lejania                   World
The House Band               October Song                  October Song              Country
Brent Laidler                Law of Attraction             No Matter Where Noir      Jazz        XX
Mike Kindred                 Handstand                     Handstand                 Country
29th St. Saxophone Quartet   Mind Journey                  Your Move                 Jazz
Yankee Ingenuity             City of Savannah/Ross's 
                               Reel #4                     Heatin' Up the Hall       Folk
Benny Carter & his Orch.     Crazy Rhythm                  Further Definitions       Jazz
Red Clay Ramblers            Polkas                        Rambler                   Folk
David Grisman Quintet        Bow Wow                       Quintet '80               Jazz
The Mills Brothers           The Song is Ended             Chronological, vol.5      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           Sweeter Than Sugar            Chronological, vol.3      Jazz
The Mills Brothers           I Guess I'll Get the Papers
                               & Go Home                   Souvenir Album            Jazz

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